/du/ - Diskusi Umum
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kalo yg sering dipake orang ya macem Dana, Gopay, de el el
transfer pulsa, terus pulsanya lu uangin, juga bisa
cuman ya gitu ga anonimus juga ada (patreon versi indo)
Board /b/ random & /lgbt/ min
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- Tambah beberapa tema site light, dark, green, yellow black ect.)
- Ubah posisi menu [Utas Populer] ke paling atas (Dibawah menu Feedback) supaya lebih mudah akses board
- Ubah posisi menu [Boards] dibawah [Utas Populer]
- Di menu Post Terbaru tambahkan detail seperti reply orang ini dari board apa dengan judul apa
- Tambahkan link donasi lebih dari satu layanan, saweria, trakteer, sociabuzz, dll.
- Tambah board /wallpaper/ /meme/ /makanan/ /finansial/ /Saran/ /Virtual Youtuber/ /Jepang/ /ROBOT9001/ /Torrent/
- Buat kode template website open source? Untuk back up or something (Github)
- Link social media untuk kontak admin?
Semoga awet wan :)
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i'll look into it later
>board request
depends. Kalo banyak request & traffic ke situ mungkin bakal gw consider tambahin. tbh ga mau ngebloat ni website dulu, so i'll focus with most popular shit. I also probably don't want to add /rj/ or whatever equivalent from the old fscchan because i think it only attract normalfags, even random shit bakal gw contain ke /du/ so this board is basically just /b/.
>Ubah posisi menu
gw awalnya cuma ngikutin layout homepage nya 4chan lol. Also for popular threads im still testing the algorithms, it's not super random unlike 4chan, if it looks good enough then maybe
>Tambah beberapa tema
yea this is something i'll be working on. Dark theme would be kino. I'll see what i can do
also webm is not yet supported
07/28/24 (Minggu) 00:32:14
No. 16
tambahin /adm/ - artis dunia maya untuk bahas selebtwit kayak orei
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little updates:
>webm/video(mp4) support, limit to 3mb
>some bug fixes and minor improvements
07/30/24 (Selasa) 14:04:28
No. 38
Bisa ga min ga pake cloudflare?
D-Chan ## Moderator ##
08/04/24 (Minggu) 10:29:18
No. 59
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finally got around implementing different themes, including dark mode. Might add some more in the future
donation is open too (trakteer only for now) if you want to support the development of the website
Thanks, I mostly do it in my spare times anyways. This was fun a little side project of mine
Bisa, nanti gw tambahin ya
gwe pake cf cuma buat tunneling domain aja si
09/20/24 (Jumat) 14:59:20
No. 105
hmm, dibanding bahas fitur, mending bahas gimana bisa rame. w mau mau aja kalau ikut acara kopdar di event event untuk naikin exposure di perkulturan (di jabodetabek tentunya)
10/25/24 (Jumat) 02:25:37
No. 139
Tidak ramah buat VPN user
Post pakai VPN selalu fail
10/26/24 (Sabtu) 15:20:15
No. 143
Posting pake IP luar selalu gagal
(VPN user)
11/02/24 (Sabtu) 15:19:46
No. 197
Kasih thread watcher
Maksud gue pake framework/software kek gimana. kek yang ada di list ini:
11/06/24 (Rabu) 09:38:28
No. 231
Night mode nya mana goblok
11/10/24 (Minggu) 23:01:27
No. 238
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Night mode sama Dark mode beda kah wan?
12/04/24 (Rabu) 12:06:09
No. 315
kalo browsing thread di catalog mending dibagi page-page aja jangan unlimited scrolling
12/12/24 (Kamis) 12:12:56
No. 350
>le be me
12/13/24 (Jumat) 00:08:09
No. 353
Tambahin /rj/ - Fiksi dan delusi romansa
12/13/24 (Jumat) 07:37:34
No. 355
This. Facebook would love this
01/04/25 (Sabtu) 12:17:04
No. 406
01/04/25 (Sabtu) 13:10:45
No. 407
tes 2